Sunday, July 3, 2011

Orkz Not as good at assult as we think they are.

Yesterday had a game against a friend of mine play a dark eldar list and i got tabled. I had 19 boyz and a powerklaw Nob assault 12 wyches and lost the whole squad. First thing thing was he rolled plus one strength for drugs then his hekatrix had defense grenades. So he goes first in assault because of int. then i dont deal enough wounds back becuase of 4 plus invulv. and feel no pain I break and he sweeps. This made me start to think we are not as good at close combat as we think they are. For one our low int. means we usually swing last and our low armor usually means they kill quite a few orks and if we don't get a lot of swings in we lose. Even with a powerklaw nob who may epically wiff. So with so many armies that can out do us in assault orks need to start thinking of a hybrid shooty assulty list now instead of pure assault . Also sending multiple squads or orks into one assault. May seem over kill bust sometimes it is necessary.

PAINTOCALYPSE 3: Beyond Borders Weekend event

Well Miniwargaming is hosting this event to get wargamers to paint and I decided I was tired of fielding grey models so I'm going to paint all of my orks for my 2k list .By no mean am I a good painter, but it looks better then grey models.
So here is my Evil Suns goal
72 boyz with their Nob woth powerklaw and bosspoles
20 lootas
Warboss on warbike and 7 Nob bikerz
1 big mek

Hopefully I can get this painted by Sunday and show them off at my local gaming store.

Friday, June 24, 2011


Well With all of the Blogs out there I decided to start a Ork blog so lets see how this plays out shall we.